Leveraging Inclusive Functional Transfers
Our mission is to design a low-cost, intuitive feeding device that can be easily used by parents.
In Ghana, parents of premature infants are typically sent home with syringes after discharge to maintain a strict feeding regimen to help nourish these babies. They are unable to suckle, so traditional baby bottles are not an option. A common concern of parents of premature infants in Ghana is that syringes are unintuitive to use and difficult to handle. Our goal is to create a feeding device that is easy for parents to use and clean, and can be produced and distributed sustainably and at a low cost.
We are partnered with Dr. Adjoa Gudugbe at Holy Family Hospital in Techiman, Ghana. Our partnership was established in August 2024, so we are still working on visiting Ghana to conduct a needs assessment.
We are currently ideating and plan to finalize a prototype by Winter 2025, with testing to follow.
We are a brand new team! We are in the process of ideating potential prototype designs, and we aim to develop a detailed prototype blueprint by the end of Winter 2025. Prototype creation and testing is next on the docket.
We need you! We’re looking for driven and proactive members who are passionate about pediatric health. Since we are currently a very small team, we are tight knit and we value and incorporate all of our members’ input into our team dynamics. Any existing technical and business skills are valued, but no experience is necessary to join.